Live, Laugh, Love

Live, Laugh, Love

Sunday, December 7, 2014

That gut feeling....

Everyone has that gut feeling about the good and bad things in life that are controllable and some that are not. This week, I had that gut feeling and it was amazing. Turning 23, I was worried what to expect when I went on a job interview in Texas. Well little did I know that I was going to be picked up in style which  was a LIMO , MY OWN ROOM, HAVING THEM PAY FOR MY FLIGHT TICKET, FREE BREAKFAST VOUCHERS . DID I TELL YOU ALL WAS FREEEEEE!?

GUESS WHAT... It was all amazing experience, one of the best birthdays I could ask for actually... Birthdays are not what they use to be.. its not about what festivities are planned for your night with your friends, its about enjoying life and who's around you. I enjoyed making new connections on my interviews the last couple of days and thinking about my future. Heres to being 23, becoming a successful college student ( only for 5 more days ) and learning that it's not about how many people show up to your birthday party but the ones that are sharing the moment with you and showing you a beautiful and successful path to your carrier in the near future.
Heres to being 23 and heres to enjoying every minute of my life I'm building for myself.