Live, Laugh, Love

Live, Laugh, Love

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Life as a Senior


14  weeks from now,  I’ll be walking across stage to receive my diploma.  It’s a scary but exciting time in my life where I leave my college life behind but memories with me. After reading up on some articles online, something hit me, I never thought about making a bucket list for my senior year of college. Crazy right!?!

 I think creating a bucket list will give me closure by the day I say goodbye to some of my favorite professors and friends from Central.

This is what I have down so far…..

1. Pulling an All-nighter- Staying up all night with a few of my best friends… just because.

2. Be there for my little sister - My little sister is experiencing her first semester of college so I want to show her where to get free parking or buy your books to get the best deal. Just being a great older sister!

3. Go on a road trip- Being spontaneous with my sorority sisters and remembering those crazy memories I made that weekend!

4. Be a great alum to my sorority sisters- I may not be an active member in my sorority anymore, but I want to always be there for my sisters when they need me.

5. Apply for my dream internship- Everyone has that dream job in life and I decided to search for it and apply! 

6. Take as many photos as I can for my senior year-Capture every memory right?

My bucket list will show the great experiences I made in college .. Can't wait to see how much I can get accomplish until graduation day!

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