Live, Laugh, Love

Live, Laugh, Love

Sunday, October 12, 2014

"Good writing creates good blogs"

Last week, I listened to Dr. Hochenauer speak to our class about how blogging changed 
his life and how “Good writing creates a good blogs”.  Dr. Hochenaur, explained to the class that when 
writing a post, you want to make it inspirational and consider the issue and find what other people
 aren’t writing about.
            When writing a blog, worry about writing certain blogs that are already written about 
because you want something original. After hearing him say that in my opinion.  I realize that I needed 
to follow more blogs. Figure out your audience and tell the story accordingly is just one step too engaging
your audience in a blog. I need to get familiarize with other bloggers work and notice If there’s a 
similarity to a post made from a different blogger.

            My blog is something special to me where I am able to write my experiences and what 
I learned from being in my 20’s. My goal when I started my blog is the hope that my experiences
 can relate to other bloggers out there. It’s was also nice to hear his experience with getting writers 
block time to time which  I can relate too.  Writers block happens to any good writer and it’s okay 
to give your eyes a
break and work on something else for a while.  

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